ORAO’s verifiable random function - unbiased and provable randomness

VRF v2: a multinode verifiable random function oracle (based on EDDSA). ORAO VRF empowers the solana ecosystem by providing unbiased verifiable randomness on Solana through a byzantine quorum of fulfilment nodes.

Start building with ORAO VRF

Solana VRF Comparison

Feature ORAO Network Switchboard
VRF Type Proof of Authority Aggregator-bases
Support Multiple code examples and active dev support on Telegram Unknown
Development Active development and service upgrades Rare
Speed Sub-Second possible, 4-20s Several Minutes
Cost Low = 0.001 SOL
fees kept the same since Mainnet deployment
High = 0.007+ SOL

VRF code samples

Solana Program SDK
Our on-chain SDK is built on Anchor.

To get started, clone the github repo
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git clone [email protected]:orao-network/solana-vrf

and import the SDK crate to your Anchor.toml

Cross-Program Invocation (CPI) example
Pick up the necessary account info and make a VRF request as a CPI.
The SDK is documented in detail on docs.rs.

Github repo contains an open source on-chain Russian Roulette game.
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// Request randomness.
let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.vrf.to_account_info();
let cpi_accounts = RequestV2 {
payer: ctx.accounts.player.to_account_info(),
network_state: ctx.accounts.config.to_account_info(),
treasury: ctx.accounts.treasury.to_account_info(),
request: ctx.accounts.random.to_account_info(),
system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts);
orao_solana_vrf::cpi::request_v2(cpi_ctx, force)?;

Off-chain Rust example
For off-chain calls you can send a transaction like this:
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use anchor_client::*;
// connect to devnet
let client = Client::new(Cluster::Devnet, payer);
let program = client.program(orao_solana_vrf::id());

// generate a request seed
let seed = rand::random();
// build and send a transaction. make sure the payer has enough lamports
let tx = orao_solana_vrf::RequestBuilder::new(seed)

println!("Request TX: {}", tx);
//wait for fulfilment
JavaScript SDK
JS library is available on npmjs.org and can be imported to your project: "import @orao-network/solana-vrf". It provides convenient await functions request() and waitFulfilled() to simply get radnomness.
For a cross-program invocation (CPI) example in TS check out the Russian Roulette game CPI example.
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const provider = AnchorProvider.env();
const vrf = new Orao(provider);

// Request using a random seed.
const [seed, tx] = await vrf.request().rpc();
console.log("Your transaction is " + tx);

// Await fulfilled randomness (default commitment is "finalized"):
const randomness = await vrf.waitFulfilled(seed);
console.log("Your randomness is " + randomness.fulfilled());
Solana SDK
JavaScript SDK
Solana VRF Github Repo

VRF Fulfillment Flow

ORAO VRF was designed to be secure, unbiased, affordable and fast randomness generator.

1. Client submits a VRF request

2. VRF nodes detect changes on all randomness accounts

3. VRF nodes generate randomness and send it on-chain

4. ORAO VRF Program checks signatures and XORs the randomness given by authoritative nodes

5. When a byzantine quorum is achieved the randomness request is fullfilled and stored to the on-chain account for usage